The German magazine “Igel-Bulletin”, the official organ of Pro Igel e.V., is a journal for everyone who is interested in hedgehogs and for enthusiasts and scientists as well. All the articles are written in German. The journal appears twice a year in May and November. You are welcome to order the “Igel Bulletin” by simply emailing us if you would like us to add you to the magazine’s list of subscribers. Please enter your first and last name, street and house number, postcode and town. This personal data is used exclusively for the list of recipients of the “Igel Bulletin”, see also our data protection declaration.
We also publish a digital version of our magazine here starting with the 23 May 2000 issue. A mouseclick on the graphic of the titlepages opens the PDF file of the “Igel-Bulletin”. You will need Acrobat-Reader to access the files.
Browse articles
Here you can search for articles in all issues starting with number 23/1999 and you may browse as well the entire Special Issue 10 years Igel-Bulletin” presenting earlier published contributions from 1989 to 1999.
You can search for titles, authors or keywords. Put your search criteria in the search field and start your search. You will either get a list of matches or a single match or be told that your search did not find any matches. You can then access the results in the online editions of the “Igel-Bulletin” or access the results from the list of contents of the “Special Issue 10 Years Igel-Bulletin”. Here you may start a Search!